Bring yourself and your body closer to true happiness and bliss.. those who’d love to take selfies or post in Instagram… Surface Liwa Beach Resort, a Bali-inspired accommodation, with peaceful, clean , quiet and relaxing ambiance is a must-try. The rooms are spacious, clean and with glass windows all over. Staffs are accommodating and friendly. Big bathroom, beautiful infinity pool with rainfall right in the middle.
An awesome place to enjoy a peaceful and relaxing getaway. A great option to escape from the hustle and bustle at just 3-5 hours away from the metro.The Resort is just a few minutes away from the beach and has a pool which is a great alternative when the summer heat is unbearable. Great for nature loving and very peaceful environment travelers. Perfect for Family bonding.
( review)
This is the most cleanest hotel I’ve been visited in Zambales. We enjoyed our accommodation with my family last week on this resort. The beach was quite a good spectacular view.
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